读了Educated by Tara Westover之后对宗教又提起了兴趣,于是想到了这本一直想读却一直搁置了的书。是本有意思且有实用价值的书,但我读得有一些囫囵吞枣,主要是因为观点很清晰,但扩写特别多,所以到最后有些读不进一些细节了,着重把握了下大概。好在作者在最后贴心地总结了一下全书观点,如下: “...lessons we might retrieve from religions: how to generate feelings of community, how to promote kindness, how to cancel out the current bias towards commercial values in advertising, how to select and make use of secular saints, how to rethink the strategies of universities and our approach to cultural education, how to redesign hotels and spas, how better to acknowledge our own childlike needs, how to surrender some of our counterproductive optimism, how to achieve perspective through the sublime and the transcendent, how to reorganize museums, how to use architecture to enshrine values–and, finally, how to coalesce the scattered efforts of individuals interested in the care of souls and organize them under the aegis of institutions.” 一些觉得有意思的点 在聊到世俗社会中community的时候,作者说道我们都活在自己的茧中,对别人的了解很多是从媒体上来的,所以很自然我们会觉得陌生人可能会是谋杀犯,强盗,其他坏人或者低智的人,从...