(一) Self Worth 的诞生
Self worth只有在被threaten之后,才会成为一个概念。比如,因为各种原因,被攻击、被歧视、被否定。小小朋友是没有这个概念的。
Self worth是Ego层面的概念,它不是一个真正存在的东西,所以很难positively affirm。
(二)寻找Self Worth
即使想要positively affirm self worth,效用也是非常短暂的,因为它停留在概念层面(conceptual thinking),而不是感知层面(deeper knowing,“明了”)。
概念层面上对self worth的affirmation,也经常只是用「彼处的superiority」来找补「此处的inferiority」:别人说我长得不好看,那我就要学习超好/找个好工作/赚很多钱/“出人头地”,however it is defined。而这些superiority/inferiority,全是概念,全是“故事”。即使做到了,也是“虚相”。对比“实相”,就好比是“How do I make a better story of me” vs “I live”。
(三)为Self Worth而战斗
当然,作为一种保护机制,当我们的Self worth被threaten,第一反应就是找补、代偿,“证明自己”,“爱自己”。这种保护机制也是为我们好。只是,久而久之,我们会陷入一个虚相概念上的斗争。”I was dragged into a battle that I didn’t want to fight. And there was no winning.”
(四)放下追寻的Inherent Self Worth,去拥抱Full Aliveness
与其追寻unconditional self love、inherent self worth,不如anchor在living in full aliveness。 When was the last time you felt the most alive?如果feeling full aliveness听起来太抽象,那么when was the last time you were in the flow?相信心流的体验大部分人都有过。在心流中,就是纯粹的presence,“the story of me”被融化掉了,只有life本身。这是The Gita里面说的,“Do your duty with single-minded focus and great sincerity, without worrying about the results of the work”,也是The Power of Now里面说的,“Now”。如果一直living in full aliveness,self worth,self love的概念,都会被冲刷掉,没有存在的需要。
相关视频(Youtube):The Challenge of Self-Esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
Photo Credit to Aaron Burden on Unsplash |