

目前显示的是 八月, 2023的博文


概况 时间:8/8 - 8/13 地点:夏威夷欧胡岛 (Honolulu) 人物: 我,娃(2岁8个月),娃爹。是娃第一次坐飞机,可兴奋了 特殊装备:问朋友借了伞车(yoyo2),没有带carseat,没有租车 住宿:Embassy Suites by Hilton Waikiki。在Waikiki比较繁华的街道上,去哪里都还蛮方便的~早餐也很丰盛,除了常见的continental breakfast,还有米饭、味增汤,和made-to-order的omelette 交通:没租车,买了Waikiki Trolley4天的联票。坐了两次公交车。剩下打uber。还坐了一次同胞的“黑车”、 Theme:Chill 流水账行程 ☀️ Day 1: SJC —> HNL 飞机5个小时,其中1.5小时娃看动画片、1.5小时娃吃东西、1小时睡觉、1小时硬带。总体还是比较乖的。 下了飞机Uber到酒店。套间我可太喜欢了,屋子里活动空间满大的。收拾下中午去酒店附近的 Okonomoyaki Chibo 吃的饭,pork omlette五星,牛肉盖饭三星。都有配salad和味增汤。物价和湾区差不多,但好吃很多。 吃好饭踩点了Trolley站。本来想去附近的 Army Museum ,但结果停电关门。门口有好几辆炮台坦克,其中有一辆有小方向盘,球球玩方向盘玩了半个多小时...娃真是容易满足啊~ 去ABC Store采购了防晒霜,人字拖,泡面,饭团,水果,作为晚饭(后来发现水果拼盘坏掉了,强烈不推荐买)。顺便买了 Laihana Shaved Ice ,太甜了吧,不会回购😖 回到酒店吹空调、去游泳池玩。 傍晚散步,正好看到了楼下广场有Hula Dance表演。感觉好温柔好美好,很喜欢! ☀️  Day 2:恐龙湾 (Hanauma Bay) 和球球的同学一家相聚在 恐龙湾 泡了一天。是周一就抢好的票。很热,还好同学家带了伞。我们家3只旱鸭子,加上我怕鱼,没去浮潜,就一会儿玩一下海浪。风景很美,沙有点硬。同学一家看到了鱼和珊瑚,据说很大!还好我没去看😂午饭就在恐龙湾买的汉堡热狗。 晚饭去Ala Moana Center吃了Goma Tei的拉面。很一般,不过环境比较Chill,适合大包小果带娃的。当然,口味的话可能去Food Cou...


I feel very spiritual after watching Barbie.  (1)  I really love how tears are used.  Before: Happy but no tears. Fake happy. Happy in a concept.  After: Tears. Alive. Choosing aliveness over concept.  (2)  I sense a little bit of impatience from Barbie when she speaks to Ken about it’s just Ken, not “It’s Barbie and Ken”. It feels like Barbie is still playing the mothering role, but also distancing herself from the mothering role at the same time. I love the subtlety here.  (3) I got really hit at the ending scene.  She can just be. Be is being alive. This is different from "you can be anything", which emphasizes becoming something of your choice. Well, it’s better than becoming something because society tells you so, but, it’s still at the conceptual level.There is an ending and the ending is the goal.  Instead, just be…nowhere to reach, no concept to become, just be. Just life. And as Ruth says, there is no ending. Except of course, you di...